Group Therapy for Teenagers Aged 15-17

Group Therapy for Teenagers Aged 15-17

Maximum attendance: 4

Varies. Usually Tuesday / Friday evenings, online


Teenagers’ groups take the format of an ice-breaker quiz, followed by introductions and then exchanging helpful strategies for stammering. These groups usually last 30 minutes.

Understandably, teenagers can be quite hesitant about joining a group call with others who also stammer. It’s not always easy talking about these things, so we’ll find some common ground first.

Participants are grouped with others who have similar interests. I work with a lot of boys who are passionate about football, so most teens groups tend to start with a football quiz, with each participant answering questions about the team they support. It’s a good way of getting people settled in and comfortable, displaying their football knowledge. They’re also only required to respond with single-word answers to begin with.

Once the winner is declared, we’ll go round and introduce ourselves and our experiences with stammering, and share with each other some strategies that we’ve found to be useful.

I welcome follow-up calls with parents to let them know how the group went, and calls can be recorded if requested.

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